来源:http://www.guanhougan.cc作者:观后感时间:2023-12-28 10:04阅读:
一转几个月的忙碌,小朋友始终不得空,直到本月月初,才找到一个周末的晚上,我们一家三口一起了解了这位原子弹之父的传奇一生。说实话三个小时的观影时间,看下来,老母亲感觉有点累。除了因为感受到奥本海默的内心折磨,还被导演多条叙事线索的交叉整得有点疲惫,想要把所有的情节按照时间节点理顺清楚,还是需要费点脑细胞的。但这种拍摄叙事手法也许正是导演克里斯托弗 诺兰所擅长的。
只是观影之后的影评,娃娃却进行得不算顺利,耗时二十多天,期间多次改写、增减,可以看出娃娃也是下了点功夫的。比如娃娃先是自学了Film Review的写法,虽然Article的基本文体娃娃曾经涉猎过,但是将Article中的子集Film Review摘出来单独学习还是第一次,为此娃娃还做了学习笔记,只是娃娃对“套路”这种东西一向不太感冒,所以在行文结构上,娃娃依然固执己见。
wittern by Lingyanjiankong
As the most brutal military conflict that ever raged on Earth, World War II caused significant damage to people, cities, and cultures. However, many brilliant minds contributed to scientific and technological developments. It is important to remember that while these technological advancements have undoubtedly made an impact on warfare, they have also led to devasting consequences for civilians caught in conflict zones. It is crucial that we appreciate the positive advances made during this time while recognizing the importance of promoting peace and avoiding future conflicts whenever possible. These may be some of the themes presented in the biographical film "Oppenheimer" written by the famous director Christopher Nolan and released in August 2023.
Robert Oppenheimer, the most incredible scientific mind of his time, had a love for New Mexico. The hills and plains of Los Alamos left a great impression on his young and genius mind. The suitable environment for research and development made him come back decades later with fellow scientists to conduct a secret experiment, which left an indelible mark on the whole history of humankind.
In the nineteen-thirties and early forties, Oppenheimer desperately sought a path to becoming a famous scientist. On the way, he associated with left-leaning political groups. He had friendships with several prominent communists, which proved to be trouble for his security clearance and provided those who were against him with a statement to sue him.
The discovery of nuclear fission came like a bolt to Oppenheimer. He recognized both the immense destructive potential and the potential for societal benefits associated with nuclear energy. As the battle condition worsened, an official project funded by the government and military-appointed Oppenheimer as director at Los Alamos. After three years of hard work, the nuclear bomb experiments finally triumphed and had a significant effect on wartime situations.
As the aftereffects of the nuclear bombings crept into his genius mind, guilt swelled up inside him. Being deeply involved in the development and experimentation of both atomic and hydrogen bombs, he couldn't help but contemplate the devastating potential of these weapons. The hydrogen bomb, in particular, proved far more destructive than its atomic counterpart, amplifying Oppenheimer's concerns. Driven by a growing sense of apprehension about the dangerous and irreversible consequences that could arise from further weapon development, Oppenheimer decided to distance himself from the hydrogen bomb program. He became an active protester against its advancement, voicing his objections to those who advocated for its production. However, Oppenheimer's opposition to the program unfortunately led to repercussions for his reputation and loyalty.
The situation presented a problematic predicament for Oppenheimer-torn between his guilt regarding the creation of devastating weapons and facing accusations that challenged his patriotism. These circumstances encapsulate a complex ethical dilemma that weighed heavily on Oppenheimer during that era.
The director demonstrates a masterful command of sound and visuals to enhance the perception of time and immerse the audience in a genuine experience. A prime example of this is evident during the atomic bomb test scene. By depriving the sound while illuminating the scene with intense light, the director effectively heightens the impact on viewers, evoking a sense of disorientation and astonishment. Then, as the explosion occurs with a booming sound, it jolts the characters and brings them back to consciousness, effectively powerfully conveying their bewilderment. This skillful utilization of sound and sight showcases the director's expertise in creating an authentic and impactful cinematic experience for audiences.
The director's use of the secret hearing as a storytelling device adds depth and intrigue to the main storyline. By intertwining two different timelines, the wartime and post-war eras, the director brings together the past and present, creating a captivating narrative. This technique allows for simultaneous exploration of two versions of Oppenheimer: his younger self during the war and his older self reflecting on those events. Through this juxtaposition, we witness Oppenheimer's personal growth and gain insight into the fears that influenced his actions. This blending of timelines is one of the most compelling aspects of the film, as it illuminates not only Oppenheimer's character but also provides a broader understanding of historical events.
Oppenheimer's growth is one of the essential timelines of this film. The director skillfully portrays Oppenheimer's inner turmoil in the aftermath of the bomb's success. By delving into his mind, the audience is exposed to the profound guilt and torment he feels for the devastation caused by his creation. This stark contrast between his internal struggle and the jubilation of those celebrating victory intensifies the conflict in his soul.
Oppenheimer's experiences deepen the scars on his mortal heart, illustrating how his consciousness is haunted by the consequences of his actions. The realization of the immense suffering he has inflicted upon others weighs heavily on him, leading him to question the morality and ethics behind his scientific achievements.
Through Oppenheimer's character arc, from a talented young scientist driven by ambition and a thirst for recognition to someone who grapples with existential dilemmas beyond science, viewers are prompted to reflect upon their own choices and responsibilities in life. The director reminds us to consider how our individual pursuits may impact others and urges us to contemplate our own growth as human beings.
The topic of life and death, which is complex and multi-faceted, is also expressed in the film. In acknowledging that life and death are not separate entities but intertwined, Oppenheimer perhaps came to accept that one can embrace one's role as a reaper of lives while also acknowledging one's capacity to bring forth new possibilities.
The reaper metaphor could imply that through confronting and understanding the consequences of our actions, we can strive for a more balanced existence, where life and death are interconnected aspects rather than opposing forces.
There is a minor possibility that the explosion of the atomic bomb will cause a chain reaction that will never stop, eventually setting the atmosphere on fire. Luckily, the catastrophe did not take place. However, the success of the atomic bomb set human desire on fire in a chain reaction that spurred humankind to invent new ways to destroy themselves, getting up one time after another, finally diminishing our beloved homeland into doom. Meanwhile, it has also sounded the alarm for people to maintain the safety of our planet and limit the use of nuclear weapons.
We often regard knowledge and intelligence as a spectacular gift from those who walked the hard gravel track before us. The more knowledge that is acquired and found, the more the greedy desire of humans is exploited and magnified under the scope of wisdom.
Overall, this movie explores Oppenheimer's inner thoughts and feelings, bringing the legendary character Oppenheimer to us and leading us to think logically about the usage of nuclear power. It is worth watching and has a profound understanding of this world. I recommend this to you!
罗伯特 奥本海默可算是二战时期最闪耀的科学明星之一,他深爱墨西哥。而洛斯阿拉莫斯的丘陵和平原给他年轻而天才的心灵留下了深刻的印象。适宜的研发环境,又使他几十年后与科学家同行一起回到这里进行秘密实验,最终在整个人类历史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。
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