来源:http://www.guanhougan.cc作者:观后感时间:2020-09-11 06:13阅读:
然而美国的新冠还远未结束 ,也不敢头铁去影院,只能看看网上的一些消息,但是看到国内平台上的奇低分数,我也开始怀疑,是不是除了恶意差评之外,电影本身也存在缺陷,去找了个Youtube上粉丝数182万的影评youtuber——Chris Stuckmann的Mulan影评(我是第一次看这个youtuber的视频)他给出的评价是C-;
1. 故事情节仍然和动画版本一样,是替父从军的故事
Just like the original animation, this tells the story of a young woman who takes the place of her father at war. he is older and he is injured that he will most likely die if he goes to war. So she pretends to be a man. Suits up and goes off to battle
2. 角色差异包括木须,花家列祖列宗灵魂和蛐蛐角色的消失,著名歌曲Reflection也被放在了结尾的致谢而不是电影中
unlike the original animation this film doesn’t have the spirits of Mulan’s ancestors nor does it have a dragon named Mushu voiced by Eddie murphy or a little cricket.
Christina Aguilera's rendition of 'Reflection' appears during the end credits. its not in the movie, there’s no songs at all.
3. 电影比动画全方位地差
But this movie is inferior to that film in virtually every way.
One of the biggest problems with this film is that it seems to omit certain things that are integral to the story, or at least to the characters and their journey through the story. And it relies on our knowledge of the 1998 animation to fill in those gap.
It’s when Mulan decides to go off to war in the middle of the night she takes that sword she cuts her hair, she puts on that armor; this incredible music by Jerry Gold Smith is playing; it is very epic and you understand just how important this choice is for this character, that this choice is going to define their life and it’s going to potentially end their life or bring dishonor to the whole family.
You really feel the weight of that moment in the animation whereas in this film it honestly cuts directly into a scene where she is already got the armor, we don’t even get to see her puts it on. She takes her sword out and points it into the lens. And she just rides off into the night. You never feel the dramatic impact of this choice that she is making, just how much that is going to mean to her life to her family’s life. The change, the evolution of this character, you don’t feel any of it; it is just thrown away.
4. 战斗场面over edited
that high frame rate(高帧率) makes the action look very frenetic in a bad way. Horses are moving really fast. People are running very fast. And it just doesn’t look real; it doesn’t evoke the time period. it looks too fancy. It doesn’t look like it has the grace
5. 木兰人物的区别
木兰天赋禀异,体内有“气” (问号脸)
We understand that Mulan has a lot of stored up chi, she is very powerful and she’s told by her family that she needs to hide that and marry a man and be respectful. We understand from the get-go (the very beginning) from the first few scenes
She had a lot of incredible abilities. when she goes off to war, she's still trying to hide that power and eventually she unleashes it. she strips away her father’s armor and ride off into battle in a red gown with no armor of any kind
the message of course, could be interpret in a lot of ways. One of them could be that you shouldn't hide your inner beauty, you shouldn’t hide your abilities, you shouldn’t try to conform to what the world wants you to be and you should let all that shine and be yourself and not allow someone to tell you are inferior just because they think you are
实际让人产生距离感,因为我不是the chosen one
my wife said the film actually made her feel more alienated than included because instead of a regular girls training her body and her mind to get to the peak of her potential and achieve what no one else could in her time, we have a character that’s done from the start of the movie and all that’s left for her as a character is to choose to no longer hide that
You have to like legitimately work hard to achieve these things and I don’t like how business doing this trend lately where people just are magical from the get-go and they never have to train or work, learn or anything
6. 主角空洞的演技......(神仙姐姐还需要磨炼啊)
the wooden acting
the lead actress unfortunately is very blank and sort of wooden throughout most of the movie and there are scenes that you want her to really be expressing how important the moments are to her. I just didn’t really feel that
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