来源:http://www.guanhougan.cc作者:观后感时间:2021-01-13 09:55阅读:
Fly my dream演讲比赛观后感
2020年12月29日,株洲市外国语学校组织了——Fly my dream主题演讲比赛。比赛分为两个阶段,第一阶段,2分钟限时主题演讲。第二阶段,一分钟即兴问答。本次比赛各个年级都选出了优秀的学生进行同台竞技。表现十分精彩。赛后大家也都有不同的感受。让我们一起来看看吧。
要敢于尝试。要做好更好的自己。Try my best,绝不仅仅是一句口号,要有实际的行动,把自己想做的事情尽自己所能去做好。只有尝试不同的道路,才能发现新东西,找到捷径。
每天做好一件小事。新加坡公费留学,多么难以做到难以达成的事情,学姐做到了。“每天几道数学思维题,有空的时间就做。”每周看一部英语电影,一遍看完再看两三遍,你会发现,许多生词你都记住了,“我最喜欢的Harry Potter,..” 这些不就是一些小事?Where there is a will, there is a way. 把small things 做好就能Achieve great achievement.
The final speech contest—Fly My Dream fell on December 29th, 2020. It was very exciting. There were 22 contestants, and they expressed themselves with their best standard. Some of them got fantastic achievement and all of us made progress in giving a speech. I was one of them, and I got the second place. But the things I did out of the beautiful stage were tough.
Around December 2nd, I knew this speech contest and I started to prepare the speech draft. On December 20th, I passed the first round in my class easily. The other 2 students in my class passed it, too. And we began to prepare “Impromptu Question and Answer”. It needs our abundant knowledge and flexible using. So we need practice more and more.
We were often called to practice the speech on the roof of the school building. Sometimes we had a few mistakes, and our English teacher would tell us and make us better and better. Sometimes the cold wind blew, and our faces and hands would not be able to move straightly. Sometimes we were hungry and thirsty, but we just drank a little water to keep the throat comfortable. It was very hard.
But just the difficulties created a big success. On December 23rd, we passed the semifinal contest together with abundant knowledge and flexible using. On December 29th, we got fantastic achievement. I was so excited, although I wasn’t the top 1. The reason is that not only did I make it, but also I really flew my dream.
Thank you! My dear English teacher! It’s you that make me fly my dream. Thank you! My dear classmates! It’s your help and cooperation that make me become better and better.
My dream is not only to be a teacher, but also to let all the difficulties create the success. Life is what you make it, so we should be more and more hard-working, and that is – fly your dream! Let’s fly our dreams to make them to the top!
I joined a speech contest in which I tried my best to show other people my best. When I decided to join this contest, I made up my mind to get good grades.
I practiced so hard that it made me tired, but I didn't give up. Because I learned many useful skills. At first, I was very nervous. Time went quickly. When the first round of competition started, I stopped feeling nervous and I said to myself, “you will do it!” I walked to the center of stage confidently. Thousands of eyes looked at me and I began to feel nervous again. But I just took a deep breath and I started my speech. During the speech, I was fluent and I got the best prize.
In the speech I gotten unforgettable experience. It is not only a speech but also a challenge for me. Nothing is impossible to the man who will try.
I am very pleased to be a competitor in this English Speech Contest. I love English and my teacher says when I speak English I am shining. However, from this competition, I felt a big gap between us when some excellent competitors stand on the stage. I admire them who are so wonderful. I am also so pride that I can join the excellent contest. Of course I have the confidence to give my speech in public, because I have learned and practiced a lot in Zhuzhou Foreign Language School which often gives many chances and big stages to the students. As the saying goes, “There is a person above a person, a mountain beyond a mountain.”, I will study harder to become better and better.
In this English speech contest, as a new player, I have a deep feeling of honor to give my speech in front so many dear teachers and classmates. This is also my first time to participate in such an important show. It means a lot to me. I learned a lot from this experience. At the same time, my heart was strongly shocked by the spirit from the speech about dream. Participating in this speech contest is very special in my life. It's not just an experience to say something in public, the process of practice also makes me gain a lot. I was deeply impressed by the preparation of the competition. I get the true meaning of making the dream come true through the hard work and the insistence. I really want to thank my teacher. Whenever I was tired and afraid to speak to others, she gave me encouragement to me and helped me rehearse. It is precisely because some teachers have given me great help and inspiration in speech skills.
Although there are still shortcomings in this competition, there are still many to be improved, I am proud of myself. The prize is the glory for me to encourage myself to keep going. The sea is wide with fish, and the sky is high with birds. I hope the English talent contest will become a sea and a blue sky to provide a broader stage for more students in our school to participate in the English learning.
就像我演讲中的一句话:No matter how hard the road to success is, I will stick to my dream!我学到了,坚持下去,胜利就在前方!
还记得开学时九月的那天,我满怀憧憬踏上初中的旅途。而现在,初中生活已过去快一个学期了。在这个学期中,我收获颇多,特别是这次的英语演讲比赛。从初赛到复赛再到最后的决赛,有一个人,她一直在背后默默地支持我 ,帮助我。她就是我的英语老师——Michelle。她不仅是一位知识渊博的人,还是一位敬职敬业的好老师。她牺牲自己休息时间帮我们准备演讲比赛,比起我们自己,她付出的要更多。那天,晚上便是决赛了,我们有些紧张,Michelle还是和平常一样,一遍遍地帮我们过演讲稿,抽查即兴问题,要求我们为决赛做好充足的准备。当我看到Michelle一遍遍不厌其烦地指导我,我强烈地感受到她对我期望,这个期望一直鼓励着我直到比赛结束,这次的决赛我还真没紧张了。捧着奖杯的那一刻,我心里充满着对老师的感激,老师严的背后全是爱。感谢我的英语老师,感谢外国语给我的舞台。
在学校My Dream 的演讲赛中,我听到了22位演讲者绘声绘色的演讲,她们大放异彩,我内心不容赞叹“神仙打架”,也感受到了英语的魅力。我们的学姐焦雨轩传授了很多英语学习方法,比如听一听自己喜欢的电影片段,看看自己喜欢的英文小说,多写多说。教研员陈老师指出了很多演讲技巧。英语口语好不是因为个人的天赋,而是自己不断练习,不断吸取知识,不断学习口语发音所练就的。此外,演讲还需要攻破自己的内心防线,不怯场,遇到问题从容不迫。陈老师指出,参与的演讲者不论成败与否,只要站上这个讲台都是最优秀最勇敢的。从现在开始,我也会努力积累经验,争取明年也能站上这个演讲台与大家一起分享演讲的魅力。
当然了,我一定会以他们为榜样努力完善自己的演讲能力,相信只要我加油尽力,结出来的果子一定都是甜的。As the saying goes, “Great achievement only belongs to those who can do small things perfectly.” 我要从小事做起。
最后送给自己一句话,“Practice makes perfect.” Fight for it! 加油!
这场演讲比赛,总的给我的感受——fantastic! 它让我领略了株外学子博学风采的一面。选手们都各具特色,让人印象很深。让我最有印象的是初二的王子涵同学,他用“一根筷子易折断,一把筷子难折断”来给我们讲道理,并且真的拿出筷子做演示。还有以为同学,在现场点同学来回答问题,来使自己的演讲更加生动,顺畅。多么的具有特色!我们应该学习,让我们的演讲具有自己的特色。选手们的口语也都非常的好,面部表情和肢体语言都很丰富,让人觉得很自然。尤其是我们248班的张译琳同学,语音语调wonderful,而吴念丰同学有着丰富的肢体语言。有我们的袁翊宸同学,可爱的脸庞给我们留下了深刻的印象。最终这三位同学都取得了优异的成绩。
有这么好的成绩,肯定有辛苦的付出。No pain,no gain.无论干什么事情,我们都应该去准备付出,去认真对待。只有这样才能走向成功。
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