来源:http://www.guanhougan.cc作者:观后感时间:2019-08-19 07:57阅读:
看了《流浪地球》的电影,说说感想。优秀,好看,绝对力压近几年大部分科幻电影。我认为因为吴京就给这部电影低分的人完全就是不负责任!下面说两个不成熟的小建议,当然我觉得不是电影本身的问题:1. 牺牲空间站不符合大刘一贯的保存人类火种的思想,显然空间站上的受精卵比流浪地球本身风险更低;2. 我觉得原著小说里,流浪地球的支持者和希望地球留在太阳系的人的残酷斗争才是真正反映出大刘思想的部分。处于某些原因剧组没有保留这个部分,可以理解,但也让这部电影止步于优秀而算不上伟大。个人很推荐。ps:我觉得张涵予或廖凡比吴京更合适,吴京有点…过了。
The Wandering Earth is a wonderful scientific movie! Much better than most of the scientific movies produced in recent years. Of course I have two little personal advice (actually they are not very concerning the movie itself). The first one is, I don’t think Cixin, the novel author, would support sacrificing the space station. He always concerns about protecting the existence of human species, and definitely, the space station is more reliable than the wandering earth. Secondly, in the novel, the real core of the story is the cruel clash between people who support the wandering earth plan and those who want to stay in the solar system. For some reason, the movie makers gave up this part, which is understandable but also makes the movie unable to be called “great”. In a nutshell, I think it worth watching.
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